We are a group of scientists researching and teaching at the Georg-August-University Göttingen.
We are specialists in animal biodiversity and evolution.
Direction and Curation
Prof. Dr. Maria Teresa Aguado Molina
Director of the Biodiversitätsmuseum and Curator of the Zoological Collection
Research focused on the biodiversity of marine invertebrates, evolution, phylogenetic relationships, and developmental patterns.
Professor and Head of Dept. for Animal Evolution and Biodiversity
Scientific Director of the Forum Wissen
Research focused on phylogeny and evolution of annelids, symbiotic relationships between insects and bacteria, and local bee fauna.
Gisa Heinemann
Zoological collection
Collection management and inventory.
Monika Endres
Graphical designs, outreach and social media.
Jana Johe
Education and Knowledge transfer
Development and implementation of museum educational programs.
Leonard Spohr
Collection Assistant
Sorting and cataloging the butterfly collection. Interested in amphibians, reptiles, and tropical biodiversity.
Lili Dörfel
Collection Manager Assistant
Systematic organization of the depot, catalogue and collection management support.
Franka Maria Schauder
Digitalization Assistant
Digitalization and photo editing. Interested in urban biodiversity and sustainable urban planning.
Juliana Marcia Klaren
Collection Assistant
Butterfly collection and outreach materials.
Annika Ladlef
Collection Assistant
Database assistance and outreach materials.
Fatemeh Nourollah
Education Assistant
Implementation of museum educational programs.
Tamy Pick
Digitalization of the Museum collection. Interested in animal and nature photography.
Annabelle Florence Schunk
Digital and Education Assistant
Graphic design of outreach materials; implementation of museum educational programs.
Anika Luz
Education Assistant
Implementation of museum educational programs.
Former members
Carsten Wortmann
Restoration of objects, mounting skeletons, dermoplastics and maintenance of the wet collection
Join the team
Share your love of the natural world with others by joining the Biodiversitätsmuseum’s team!
Information about open positions, student jobs, and internships.

«It doesn’t much matter whether people care or don’t care. What matters is that people change the world.»
Elizabeth Kolbert
Advisory council
The museum counts with an Advisory Council formed by renowned scientists researching in biodiversity at the Georg-August-University. The council actively participates in the development of the exhibition, supports the project, and helps in the organization.
Palynology and Climate Dynamics
Evolution and Animal Biodiversity
German Primate Center. Cognitive Ethology
Experimental Phycology and Culture Collection of Algae
Biodiversity, Macroecology and Biogeography
Plant Ecology and Ecosystems Research
Culture Collection of Algae
Centre of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use
Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
Animal Ecology
Functional Agrodiversity