Science Communication
As part of the Master's module Science Communication, wonderful little stories are being created by students about various exhibits in the Biodiversitätsmuseum's zoological collection.
Storytelling is how information is conveyed - and emotions. Good stories thrill, inspire and engage. They breathe life into bare facts. Participants of the Science Communication Master Module (Wissenschaftskommunikation in der Biodiversitätsforschung, 633261) select one object from our zoological collection and write an article or a story about it. Find their creations below.

«Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world.»
Robert McKee
Group projects
In several small groups, students develop their own science communication projects over the course of the module.
Group Project ‘23 - Temporary small exhibition
In order to give insights on the work around the preparation and exhibition of the whale skeleton, the students prepared a temporary exhibition - fittingly situated in the room ‘Workshop’ in the Forum Wissen. It includes not only information but also three interviews with e. g. the Taxidermist Carsten Wortmann.
Group Project ‘23 - Whale tale
With a selection of submissions from the preceding painting competition within the framework ‘Walheimat Göttingen’ the students composed a tale for children. The goal was to embed scientific content into an easily understandable story.
Group Project ‘23 - Whale Biology
The students created three different posters with information about the biology and evolution of whales and specific facts about sperm whales. In addition, related worksheets for children were created. The posters were exhibited on the offical opening celebration for the sperm whale skeleton in the Forum Wissen and are still used for school class activities in the Forum Wissen.
Group Project ‘22 - Lemurs
Based on Lemur specimens from our collection the students developed the whole concept for an exhibition. Next to transmitting information about the specimens, the goals are to create empathy and subsequently increase the interest in conservation efforts. The target groups are children and families.
Group Project ‘22 - Ant eating mammals
In accordance with the general space design of the Biodiversitätsmuseum, the students created an exhibition room concept dedicated to ant eating mammals. They explained convergent evolution of ‘ant eating’, talked about the specializations, and put a spotlight on those species which are facing existential threats.
Group Project ‘22 - Blog
Following the brand book guidelines of the Biodiversitätsmuseum the students planned and designed the outline for a Blog about the Science Communication module. The aim was mainly to inform other students and University staff about the module and increase their interest in it.

«Excellent communication doesn’t just happen naturally. It is a product of process, skill, climate, relationship and hard work.»
Pat McMillan