The Biodiversitätsmuseum aims to empower citizens with scientific knowledge to become active members in their communities.
Inside out
For the heart and the mind
The exhibition will offer experience and engages visitors in learning with their hands, analyzing with their minds, and understanding with their hearts.
Get active in the challenge of conserving biodiversity!
You will learn in many different ways: Texts, infographics, and videos, but also real specimens and analogies for certain processes in nature.
From simple challenges, like puzzles, quizzes, or smelling stations, to complex, like a scientific simulation or a role game with several characters.
We will marvel at the sheer diversity and beauty of nature, and notice, at the same time, about loss and its acceleration through human impact.

«From Everest’s peak to the floor of the Mariana Trench, creatures of one kind or another inhabit virtually every square inch of the planetary surface.»
Edward O. Wilson
Our aim is to explain the basics of biodiversity studies in a fun and understandable way so that visitors gain the insight needed to understand their own role and influence.
Most people and especially children love nature and a good story, they will marvel at the beauty and the twists and turns of evolutionary science, soaking up the knowledge in passing.
You are the protagonist, no matter of your age, prior knowledge, and motivation. Maybe you are just looking for entertainment, or seek, in addition, an intellectual challenge.
This is for those who are curious, those who want to help and improve what surrounds them, experts, creative minds, or simply those who are bored or don‘t know what else to do in a rainy day… this will be your museum.
Very few people visit an exhibition alone. This is therefore important that different groups can enjoy it together as a collective experience rather than a solitary one.
The museum will offer parent friendly textual information, playful and accesible exhibits and interactions for children and adults, a special place for toddlers in each chapter and games to engage school classes.